Home Manuals ASUS P6T SE Motherboard User Manual in PDF

ASUS P6T SE Motherboard User Manual in PDF

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AsusTek Computer Inc. is a Taiwan based computer hardware company founded in 2nd of April 1989. Today, Asus is a well-established manufacturer of computer parts, laptops, monitors, graphics cards, all kinds of multimedia tech, computer peripherals and much more. As of 2021, Asus is the world’s fifth larges motherboard manufacturer. By 2010 Garmin and Asus designed six smartphones in collaboration, however, this partnership was swiftly ended as Garmin pulled out of this market. Asus also has a strong presence in the gaming industry as they have created a subsidiary of RoG (Republic of Gamers). RoG exists since 2006 and represents one of the best brands of gaming branded computer hardware.

Motherboard is the central part of any desktop computer. It is used as the connection point of all computer components, such as graphics cards, network cards, soundcards, modems, memory etc. There are several size standards, such as ATX and micro-ATX which provide the same functionality in a larger or smaller footprint, which is something you need to consider when building a more compact computer. For regular use, it is only important to match sockets on the motherboard with the extension cards you may have. More advanced features include overclocking options, SLI graphics card support or even dual CPU compatibility for network server motherboards.

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