Home Archive PlayStation, Xbox and eSports Twitch archives highlights get taken down

PlayStation, Xbox and eSports Twitch archives highlights get taken down

by GH Staff

 PlayStation, Xbox and eSports Twitch archives get taken down after someone changed the headlines

When games companies head to big events like Gamescom, they expect to head there to show off their latest titles. What they don’t expect is for there PlayStation, Xbox and eSports Twitch archives removed after someone vandalised their highlights.

When the companies put up highlights from their events at Gamescom, someone changed the headlines to contain curses, racist and homophobic language and added some more direct comments to other companies after news broke out like Rise of the Tomb Raider being a timed Xbox Exclusive.

According to Twitch the people responsible for this gained access to these channels after logging onto these companies accounts from an unattended computer at Gamescom and the videos were taken down as a precautionary measure.

So PlayStation, Xbox and eSports Twitch archives got compromised at this years Gamescom and the people behind it haven’t been caught yet. So what’s your opinion on this and where you watching the highlights when it happened?