Home Archive Freebies from the Creator of Shelter in Advent of Indies 2014

Freebies from the Creator of Shelter in Advent of Indies 2014

by GH Staff

Started since December 1, 23 indie game developers are offering free gifts during this winter give-away event; known as the Advent of Indies 2014, this on-going Christmas celebration includes Might and Delight and Shelter. For one day, online users can download the music album with fourteen mesmerizing tracks from Shelter. Additionally, folks have a chance to win a digital copy of the game by entering the drawing. By clicking on “Win this Game” tag, contestants will need to enter a name and email or an optional twitter account.

Right now, Might and Delight has just recently released the side project called Blue Flamingo on November 18, 2014. This shoot em up airplane game is about participating in an international competition that involves going through a track filled with foes to destroy. Folks can acquire this indie game from Steam. Here’s the official trailer for a preview:

Besides this project’s release, the developer has been working on Shelter 2, which has been delayed to 2015. To view past entries for December, please visit the online calendar/homepage for Advent of Indies 2014. For more information, please visit the official website.

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