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How To Pair New Bluetooth Keyboard With iPhone.

by GH Staff

Apple recently released new phones in the iPhone series i.e. iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus. With iPhone 6 Plus Apple Inc. entered into the phablet category which is dominated by Samsung till now. IPhone 6 featured a 4.7 inch screen where as the larger version is fitted with 5.5inch screen, which is largest in the iPhone series till now. With their multi tasking abilities you can simultaneously do more than two things at once on these devices. The high end processor and 64 bit architecture will help in doing any work seamlessly.

Though all the things can be done on these phones easily, typing a long word document is tough in these devices because of small screen size. To solve this problem several electronic gadget manufacturers are coming up Bluetooth enabled keyboards. But one must follow some tips otherwise all the money you spent will become waste.

Suitable keyboard: There are several keyboards available in the market which is suitable for Apple Inc. devices. Don’t opt for big and sturdy keyboards as you may face difficulty with them in the travelling. Choose the ones that are simple and small. Always check before buying itself whether the keyboard is working correctly and pairing up with your device or not. In most of the cases, if you type some letter on the keyboard the letter beside to it will be typed on iPhone 6 and check this thing before buying the device itself.

Pairing: Pairing the Bluetooth keyboard with iPhone is very simple. Usually these keyboards are equipped with dedicated on and off button and after turning on the Bluetooth of the keyboard go to the setting menu in you iPhone and turn on the Bluetooth and after some time the keyboard will show up. Enter the four digit unique pass code to pair and after completion of this process a notification will appear saying successfully paired.

Testing: Once the pairing is done; open any one of the apps like Safari, messages, notes etc and start typing. If you are able to see the text you typed on these apps you can use that keyboard and if you are not able to see anything try to do pairing once again even after that if you are facing some troubles then there is a problem in your connectivity or within the keyboard (Obviously your iPhone which is new won’t have any problems for sure).

Things to remember: Always choose the keyboard which lasts longer, easy to use and portable. Foldable keyboards are available these days which are worth to try. Don’t opt for keyboards which are priced above $40. It is ideal to choose keyboards which are in the range of $20-40.
It is important to have a small and dedicated keyboard if you regularly use your iPhone for compose mails, editing word documents, creating text documents, always very much busy in chatting etc. The price of this keyboard is very less and it can come handy in several occasions. Have this keyboard and make your iPhone more productive and useful.