Home Manuals TP-Link AC1900 Archer C9 Router User Manual in PDF

TP-Link AC1900 Archer C9 Router User Manual in PDF

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TP-Link Technologies Co., Ltd. is a networking company founded in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China in 1996. Zhao Jianjun and Zhao Jiaxing, two brothers, founded the company to get involved with networking hardware business by producing their own networking expansion card. The name “TP-Link” originates from the twisted pair concept, which was created by Alex Graham Bell to reduce electromagnetic interference during wired data transfer. By 2007, TP-Link was investing a lot of effort into expanding towards the international market, and as a result, the company has more than 22,000 employees all over the world. Products such as ethernet hubs, switches, access points, network storage solutions as well as home security system remain some of the key businesses for the company.

A router is a network device which directs packages across multiple devices. When connected to a network, routers basically act as policemen of the Internet traffic as they work with packets of data being sent constantly between devices. Most common routers are found in homes, which direct and process IP packets of data in between home-based devices and the Internet. More advanced, larger units are used in enterprises and businesses, usually by optical cables. These days all home-based routers are wireless as well, which means they distribute wireless Wi-Fi signal over a specific range, allowing devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops to easily connect to the network.

Where Can You Download TP-Link AC1900 Archer C9 Router Manual?

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