Home Archive EA Reveal The Sims 4 Release Date and New Trailer

EA Reveal The Sims 4 Release Date and New Trailer

by GH Staff
sims 4

The Sims 4 will hit shelves September 2, 2014, EA has announced. Although the release date was not officially mentioned at this year’s E3, EA issued a statement afterwards. A new video (see below) was also revealed, showcasing some of the of activities, lifestyles, and decisions players will be able to take part in. This includes romantically kissing a fellow Sim, working out in the gym to get rid of the unwanted virtual pounds, performing live music, dancing, taking “selfies”, partying half naked wearing Mexican wrestling masks, getting eaten by a gigantic plant, and much more.

Whilst The Sims 4 is at its core, essentially the same formula we’ve gotten used to in previous installments, there are some new features, more notably and bizarre is players can now die by laughing too much. The Create a Sim feature has improved in terms of deeper customization, allowing users to alter physical body traits such as nose size, cheek bone size, and so forth.

The game has only been confirmed for a PC and Mac release, however previous titles in the series have been released on consoles, so it won’t be too surprising if we get  PS4, Xbox One, and/or Wii versions sometime after its initial launch. Additional digital content; Life of the Party, is available through the Limited Edition for those who decide to pre-order the game, which can be done through the official Sims website.