Home Archive Fallout 4: Bethesda VP says fans shouldn’t expect info anytime soon

Fallout 4: Bethesda VP says fans shouldn’t expect info anytime soon

by GH Staff
Fallout 4 Bethesda VP no info anytime soon

Undoubtedly, there has been a veritable storm of speculation in regards to Fallout 4 as of late.

Late last month, Geoff Keighley, host of GameTrailersTV and, more relevantly, the executive producer of VGX (formerly known as the Spike TV Video Game Awards Show/VGAs), tweeted a rather intriguing image stating that he had a “great night planning with the ladies who run Bethesda,” hinting at the possibility of a major game announcement – possibly Fallout 4 – at this year’s VGX.

Furthermore, just today, Bethesda has apparently filed for 2 patents related to the Fallout license in Germany. The patents are for Fallout: Shadow of Boston and Fallout: Ultimate Collection. With these 2 aforementioned developments, could Bethesda be gearing up for a Fallout 4 announcement sometime in the near future?

Unfortunately, according to Bethesda vice president Pete Hines’ Twitter, the answer is most likely a simple, resounding, “No.”

Read details on what Hines had to say on the subject of new Fallout 4 information after the break.


Pete Hines on Fallout 4: “No Info Anytime Soon.”

Fallout 4 No News Anytime Soon Bethesda VP says


Following a recent PAX keynote, Pete Hines, Bethesda Softworks’ vice president, responded to a fan’s question (regarding Bethesda’s next game – presumably Fallout 4) on Twitter.

First off, the question:

“Hi Pete, will we have to wait a long time for Bethesda Game Studio’s next game? Please answer!”

Hines replied to the individual with a rather dry response:

You shouldn’t expect info anytime soon.

Next, the same individual who asked the initial question asked:

“OK. Thank you very much. Just one last question – We can’t definite what “anytime soon” means, right? For example, a year, et cetera…”

An inquiry to which Hines responded with:

I won’t define it. And by not, expecting you don’t get false hopes up like many folks seem to do.”


You can view the actual tweets below, if you so desire.

Fallout 4 No Info Anytime Soon Bethesda Vice President Says

Author’s Take:

Interestingly enough, around September 2010, a situation similar to this occurred in regards to Skyrim. A fan asked Hines when gamers could expect news on Bethesda’s new game. Hines responded in the same manner seen above – “No info anytime soon.” However, we all know how Skyrim was announced with great aplomb at 2010’s VGAs.


So, in all honesty, the term “anytime soon” is very relative. It could be 3, 6, 9, or 12 months from now. Who knows? Bethesda is notorious for keeping the lid shut on developing projects.


What are your thoughts on what Hines had to say in regards to new information regarding Fallout 4 (or whatever Bethesda Softworks’ next game may be)?

Do you wish that Bethesda would just give fans specific time frame of when to expect news regarding Fallout 4, or do you feel that the company/Hines’ proclivity for being tight-lipped is beneficial for fans. Why or why not?

Also, if Bethesda is not releasing information on their next game “anytime soon”, when do you think they will actually do so?

Let us know in the comments section below! As always, stay tuned to GamerHeadlines.com for the latest in Fallout 4, video game, and technology news.

Source: Pete Hines’ Twitter

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