Home Gaming News Outriders Get New Release Date, Square Says It’s For Real This Time

Outriders Get New Release Date, Square Says It’s For Real This Time

by GH News

Outriders has been given a release date – again. This time for real, Square Enix said in a press released published this afternoon. Just with, you know, more words that don’t mean anything when taken together.

Let’s not dwingle on the “why” is this thing still not out any longer and try to focus on the “when” it’s now supposed to finally hit the market. The alleged date is the 2nd of February, which… actually sounds far enough for Outriders to actually make that timeline. So, yay for that.

On a more positive note, cross-platform multiplayer support encompassing the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PS4, and PC via both Steam and Epic will be on board once this thing crawls its way over the finish line.

If you’re unfamiliar with the title at hand, Outriders is a pretty flashy action RPG shooter designed for cooperative play and set in a pretty distinctive setting that mixes just about everything you can think of. Now, hopefully we finally get to experience it come early February. Its development has been prolonged for so long that Google developed and announced a whole new platform in Stadia, which is also supposed to get its own version of Outrinners later in 2021.

Well, assuming Google doesn’t discontinue it beforehand, which is always a possibility as we’re talking about Google and a relatively newly released Google product – a terribly mismatched pairing, if there ever was one.